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Horsemeat Rice Noodles , one of the original four kinds of Guilin Rice Noodles     

Scenic Guilin has always been famous for its clear rivers, exquisite hills, strange caves, and polished stone. The Horsemeat Rice Noodle is a tiptop in Guilin local food, which can be comparable to the astonishing and exquisite hills and rivers of Guilin. It is a pity that one has been to Guilin without enjoying the Horsemeat Rice Noodles  in Guilin.

According to research, Guilin Horsemeat Rice Noodles have a long history, which is said to have emerged in Ming Dynasty, and its heyday was, some time after the War in Resistance against Japanese. At that time the people in exile gathered in Guilin, because of war, many soldiers and horses went and came and horsemeat were easily got, so horsemeat noodles business was booming. The most famous Horsemeat Rice Noodles shop is an old brand store ¡°You Yi Xuan¡±. ¡°You Yi Xuan¡± is at the Yiren intersection. A lot of literators and poets have been to the shop for its noodles. It is said that a famous artist who made his living by painting did not want to return home despite the repeated family letters. When asked the reason, he said: I just find myself unable to part with Guilin Horsemeat Rice Noodles. From the story, we can see the charm of the Horsemeat Rice Noodles .

Making Methods:

The horsemeat used in Guilin Horsemeat Rice Noodles, is traditionally made in several ways such as salting, baking, stewing, saucing and so on. At present, it is often made in salting and baking ways. The salted is a little sweet while the baked horsemeat is a little more savory. Usually upon the horse slaughter, cut the horsemeat into strips, marinated with spices and other ingredients for 3 to 5 days in a vessel, and then take out and rinse the meat in boiling water, dry it for about 10 days in northern wind days. When using, wash away the dust with warm water, and then remove its oil, pick up and slice, and finally it is ready for eating. In this way, the horsemeat is like agate, tender, taste better than ham, eating more without getting bored. The fatter the horse is, the sweeter the meat is.

Rice noodles used in Horsemeat Rice Noodles are special. Guilin rice noodles are already well-known for their good quality and tastiness, and rice noodles used for Horsemeat Rice Noodles are exceptionally good in tension, brightly white, with only one strip of noodle in a bowl, more than one meter in length, rolled into a group manually. The cost of this rice noodles is 4 to 8 times higher than the average noodles.

The soup for the noodles, are made of horse bone for 4 continuous hours stewing, very delicious.

Eating way of Horsemeat Rice Noodles is: put the rice of small group on the strainer and instantly heat the noodles into the boiling horse bone soup, and then serve in a bowl with some soup, add some horsemeat, sprinkle with chopped shallot, coriander, peanut oil, put a little chili sauce and mashed garlic. And the noodles are ready for serve. They taste delicious only when the rice noodles is heated.

By the old rules, the container for the Horsemeat Rice Noodles is a special bowl, which is very small and can only contain 15 grams rice noodles. Usually one is considered to know how to enjoy the noodles after eating more or less 20 bowls or so.

Besides horsemeat, the spices for Horsemeat Rice Noodles also include horse liver, horse lung, horse intestine and other upper and lower entrails. Of these, the entrails taste better than the horsemeat. Therefore, the entrails¡¯ price is more expensive than that of horse meat. In the old times, the shop did not offer you the horse entrails if you only had two or three bowls of Horsemeat Rice Noodles. The shop owner would offer you some only when you had ordered more than three bowls of noodles.